s E R M O N S
Thanks to technology and a wonderful media team, we are pleased to offer you through this page the ability to watch recorded church services and past sermons from our pastor, the Rev. Brian Diebold.
On occasion, you'll see that a video becomes "unavailable." This usually means that sniffers for Facebook think our worship team is copyrighted recorded music (Yes! They're that awesome). In that case, we ask that you go directly to Facebook to find that recorded worship service for the day: www.Facebook.com/CrossRoadsOfSA
On occasion, you'll see that a video becomes "unavailable." This usually means that sniffers for Facebook think our worship team is copyrighted recorded music (Yes! They're that awesome). In that case, we ask that you go directly to Facebook to find that recorded worship service for the day: www.Facebook.com/CrossRoadsOfSA
January 2024
Let Justice Roll
Justice is one of the great themes of the Bible. Both in terms of God’s promise to bring justice to the world, and our call to practice justice today. Yet in a society that cries out for fairness, equality, and social change, the question is whether our faith has anything to add to the conversation that goes beyond the partisan noise? Is the Bible just a tool to be used as a weapon justifying our political stances? Or does Biblical justice call us to something more? During this series, we’ll look at several texts throughout the Bible that show us how God’s justice is both different and refreshing, and how God’s justice calls for participation. Sundays at 10am. Let Justice Roll!
Let Justice Roll
Justice is one of the great themes of the Bible. Both in terms of God’s promise to bring justice to the world, and our call to practice justice today. Yet in a society that cries out for fairness, equality, and social change, the question is whether our faith has anything to add to the conversation that goes beyond the partisan noise? Is the Bible just a tool to be used as a weapon justifying our political stances? Or does Biblical justice call us to something more? During this series, we’ll look at several texts throughout the Bible that show us how God’s justice is both different and refreshing, and how God’s justice calls for participation. Sundays at 10am. Let Justice Roll!
May 28th
Pentecost Sunday
Pentecost Sunday
April 9 - May 21st
Because He Lives Sermon Series
"Because he Lives" the old hymn goes, "I can face tomorrow, because he lives all fear is gone; because I know he holds the future and life is worth the living - just because he lives." In this season after Easter, we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and his victory over death. But what does his resurrection mean for us? What difference does it make for us both now and in the future that Jesus is risen? In a word, everything. All that is different and all that we are is different just "Because He Lives."
Because He Lives Sermon Series
"Because he Lives" the old hymn goes, "I can face tomorrow, because he lives all fear is gone; because I know he holds the future and life is worth the living - just because he lives." In this season after Easter, we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and his victory over death. But what does his resurrection mean for us? What difference does it make for us both now and in the future that Jesus is risen? In a word, everything. All that is different and all that we are is different just "Because He Lives."
February 26 - April 2
Shared Gifts Sermon Series
As part of our spiritual preparation during the season of Lent we will also focus each Sunday on receiving and using our Spiritual Gifts for the good of the faith community. Just as Christ gave his life to give new life to us, so we live out that calling by blossoming through our living and our service with the gifts we have received.
Shared Gifts Sermon Series
As part of our spiritual preparation during the season of Lent we will also focus each Sunday on receiving and using our Spiritual Gifts for the good of the faith community. Just as Christ gave his life to give new life to us, so we live out that calling by blossoming through our living and our service with the gifts we have received.
January 29 - February 19
Jesus Uncensored
Jesus Uncensored: Teachings in the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus’ teachings were often controversial and provocative, not just to his first audiences, but to us today as well. Often times it is tempting to soften or ignore what he said because his words are so different from the world we know. But in the Sermon on the Mount, we hear Jesus’ teachings for his followers in their most condensed and uncensored format. Words that still speak to us across the years with hard truth and grace-filled love.
Jesus Uncensored
Jesus Uncensored: Teachings in the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus’ teachings were often controversial and provocative, not just to his first audiences, but to us today as well. Often times it is tempting to soften or ignore what he said because his words are so different from the world we know. But in the Sermon on the Mount, we hear Jesus’ teachings for his followers in their most condensed and uncensored format. Words that still speak to us across the years with hard truth and grace-filled love.
January 1 - January 22, 2023
You’re Invited
Giving and receiving invitations are an important part of life. Especially around the holidays with all of the extra gatherings and parties, it’s how we make plans for being with our loved ones, coworkers, new friends, neighbors, and more. Yet behind all these social engagements is an even more basic invitation to each us from the Lord and Creator of all life. It is an invitation to come to the heart of God and experience new life with Christ. And it is an invitation we hear anew at the start of a new year – one that is personal, powerful, and open. Join us on Sundays online and in person at 10 am as we explore the invitation that is available to each of us and how we, in turn, are called to invite others. Will you join us?
You’re Invited
Giving and receiving invitations are an important part of life. Especially around the holidays with all of the extra gatherings and parties, it’s how we make plans for being with our loved ones, coworkers, new friends, neighbors, and more. Yet behind all these social engagements is an even more basic invitation to each us from the Lord and Creator of all life. It is an invitation to come to the heart of God and experience new life with Christ. And it is an invitation we hear anew at the start of a new year – one that is personal, powerful, and open. Join us on Sundays online and in person at 10 am as we explore the invitation that is available to each of us and how we, in turn, are called to invite others. Will you join us?
November 27 - December 25, 2022
Hope: Looking Forward to Jesus in the Season of Advent
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, writing from the inside of a Nazi prison, once wrote that a prison cell is a good analogy for Advent: “One waits, hopes, does this or that—ultimately negligible things—the door is locked and can only be opened from the outside.” In the same way, Advent is the time of waiting and hoping for something that we cannot do for ourselves, but that must come from the outside – from God alone. Yet God’s liberating intervention is exactly what has happened in the coming of Christ. This advent season, as we celebrate the birth of our Savior, we’ll look to the writings of the prophet Isaiah that expressed a hope for a Messiah, as well as the promises implanted within. We’ll examine the hope expressed therein and what that says to our hurting world today. If you are looking for hope this Christmas, come hear the Good News with us at Cross Roads Church.
Hope: Looking Forward to Jesus in the Season of Advent
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, writing from the inside of a Nazi prison, once wrote that a prison cell is a good analogy for Advent: “One waits, hopes, does this or that—ultimately negligible things—the door is locked and can only be opened from the outside.” In the same way, Advent is the time of waiting and hoping for something that we cannot do for ourselves, but that must come from the outside – from God alone. Yet God’s liberating intervention is exactly what has happened in the coming of Christ. This advent season, as we celebrate the birth of our Savior, we’ll look to the writings of the prophet Isaiah that expressed a hope for a Messiah, as well as the promises implanted within. We’ll examine the hope expressed therein and what that says to our hurting world today. If you are looking for hope this Christmas, come hear the Good News with us at Cross Roads Church.
October 23 - November 20, 2022
Tell Me the Story
As a people of God, we have a story tell. God has blessed us in so many ways, and with such amazing grace in spite of what we deserved, how could we not tell that story to others? During this series, we’ll look in particular at how we use what we have – our time, our resources, our money, our relationships and our talents – to tell the story of God’s amazing grace at work in our lives. We’ll look at “How to Win Friends” in God’s peculiar way, how to create a legacy for the next generation, and how to be a witness for Christ. All in the context of our faithful stewardship to God of what has been given to us. Join us to discover your own call to become a storyteller when it comes to Jesus in your life.
Tell Me the Story
As a people of God, we have a story tell. God has blessed us in so many ways, and with such amazing grace in spite of what we deserved, how could we not tell that story to others? During this series, we’ll look in particular at how we use what we have – our time, our resources, our money, our relationships and our talents – to tell the story of God’s amazing grace at work in our lives. We’ll look at “How to Win Friends” in God’s peculiar way, how to create a legacy for the next generation, and how to be a witness for Christ. All in the context of our faithful stewardship to God of what has been given to us. Join us to discover your own call to become a storyteller when it comes to Jesus in your life.
September 11 - October 16, 2022
Kingdom Living: Receiving a Life that Is Out of this World
The rat race is such a common image for our lives dominated by work, finances, and keeping up with the neighbors. Endless effort with little to show for it. The idea of the rat race comes from rats in a maze as part of some experiment, competing to find the piece of cheese according to rules set up by someone else. The thing about a rat race is that it is an artificial reality. There is a whole real world out there, but the rat is stuck inside as if the world of the maze is all that there is. The other thing about life as a rat race is that, as Jackie Gleason once wrote, “even if you win you are still a rat.” There has to be more! Jesus on the other hand offers us not a maze, but a way. A Kingdom. One that is out of this world because it comes from a different source – one that originates above. Life in the Kingdom operates by a different set of rules and values than life in the maze. Yet when we experience it, we are free. So how do we live as citizens of the Kingdom even when still in the midst of this daily life? Join us this September and October as we explore “Kingdom Living: Receiving a Life that is Out of this World.”
Kingdom Living: Receiving a Life that Is Out of this World
The rat race is such a common image for our lives dominated by work, finances, and keeping up with the neighbors. Endless effort with little to show for it. The idea of the rat race comes from rats in a maze as part of some experiment, competing to find the piece of cheese according to rules set up by someone else. The thing about a rat race is that it is an artificial reality. There is a whole real world out there, but the rat is stuck inside as if the world of the maze is all that there is. The other thing about life as a rat race is that, as Jackie Gleason once wrote, “even if you win you are still a rat.” There has to be more! Jesus on the other hand offers us not a maze, but a way. A Kingdom. One that is out of this world because it comes from a different source – one that originates above. Life in the Kingdom operates by a different set of rules and values than life in the maze. Yet when we experience it, we are free. So how do we live as citizens of the Kingdom even when still in the midst of this daily life? Join us this September and October as we explore “Kingdom Living: Receiving a Life that is Out of this World.”
July 24 - September 24, 2022
Teach Us to Pray
How does one pray? There are entire volumes filled with advice on the subject. But what did Jesus himself have to say when his disciples asked? His response, famously, was to teach us the words that we now know of as the Lord’s Prayer. Many of us know the words by heart, but do we speak the words from the heart? In these few short verses we learn much about who we pray to, why we pray, and how we pray. If prayer is such a large part of our faith, what can we learn when we too come to Jesus and say, “Lord, teach us to pray.”
Teach Us to Pray
How does one pray? There are entire volumes filled with advice on the subject. But what did Jesus himself have to say when his disciples asked? His response, famously, was to teach us the words that we now know of as the Lord’s Prayer. Many of us know the words by heart, but do we speak the words from the heart? In these few short verses we learn much about who we pray to, why we pray, and how we pray. If prayer is such a large part of our faith, what can we learn when we too come to Jesus and say, “Lord, teach us to pray.”
June 12 - July 17, 2022
Through the Storm
Life often takes us through storms that challenge us and threaten to break us apart. What does our faith have to say to us in such times? How can we not only get through and survive, but actually live into our calling and purpose in the midst of such challenges? In the Book of Acts, the Apostle Paul went through such a storm – literally while on a ship headed across the sea. Yet God’s promises to him allowed him to maintain confidence in his ultimate safety in spite of the shipwreck that is to come, and to minister to others throughout the experience. For us, whether we are in a storm, surviving a shipwreck, or picking up the pieces on the shore, God’s faithful promises make the difference as well. A difference we can share. Join us on Sundays at 10am, in-person and here on Facebook, as we go “Through the Storm.”
Through the Storm
Life often takes us through storms that challenge us and threaten to break us apart. What does our faith have to say to us in such times? How can we not only get through and survive, but actually live into our calling and purpose in the midst of such challenges? In the Book of Acts, the Apostle Paul went through such a storm – literally while on a ship headed across the sea. Yet God’s promises to him allowed him to maintain confidence in his ultimate safety in spite of the shipwreck that is to come, and to minister to others throughout the experience. For us, whether we are in a storm, surviving a shipwreck, or picking up the pieces on the shore, God’s faithful promises make the difference as well. A difference we can share. Join us on Sundays at 10am, in-person and here on Facebook, as we go “Through the Storm.”
April 14 - June 5
Manna - Walking with god in the Wilderness
On the other side of Easter is a good time for people of faith to reflect on what this new life in Christ might mean for us. What does Jesus’ victory over sin and the grave change for us? How are our lives different as a result? One answer is that, like the Israelites who left Egypt behind and passed through the Red Sea into freedom for the first time, we now have a journey of faith and discovery in the wilderness in front of us. Here we learn what it means to rely on God mor…
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Manna - Walking with god in the Wilderness
On the other side of Easter is a good time for people of faith to reflect on what this new life in Christ might mean for us. What does Jesus’ victory over sin and the grave change for us? How are our lives different as a result? One answer is that, like the Israelites who left Egypt behind and passed through the Red Sea into freedom for the first time, we now have a journey of faith and discovery in the wilderness in front of us. Here we learn what it means to rely on God mor…
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January 16 - Feb 27, 2022
Series Title: Hungry
In a recent poll, one of the top three most common subjects of New Year’s resolutions among Americans was having a stronger relationship with God. Particularly among younger people. It seems that even in our growing secular culture, people hunger for, and desire, a relationship with God. Or at least to connect with something more. The question is, does Christianity have anything to offer for those seekers? Can whatever people are looking for be found in Jesus? We are all hungry. But is there an answer to this hunger? In this next sermon series at Cross Roads Church we will explore whether someone who is seeking can find answers in Jesus. We’ll look at both the claims he made about himself, as well as what is offered to us when we believe. To a doubting world, Jesus offers himself as the Bread of Life. He is both the one who draws us in, and also the one who defies easy answers. Come with your seeking. Come with your questions. Come hungry.
Series Title: Hungry
In a recent poll, one of the top three most common subjects of New Year’s resolutions among Americans was having a stronger relationship with God. Particularly among younger people. It seems that even in our growing secular culture, people hunger for, and desire, a relationship with God. Or at least to connect with something more. The question is, does Christianity have anything to offer for those seekers? Can whatever people are looking for be found in Jesus? We are all hungry. But is there an answer to this hunger? In this next sermon series at Cross Roads Church we will explore whether someone who is seeking can find answers in Jesus. We’ll look at both the claims he made about himself, as well as what is offered to us when we believe. To a doubting world, Jesus offers himself as the Bread of Life. He is both the one who draws us in, and also the one who defies easy answers. Come with your seeking. Come with your questions. Come hungry.
Previous message series: (If you can't find what you're looking for, please check back while we continue to work to make all recordings available for you. Thank you.)
Into the Unknown: Stories of Call & Discipleship January 5 - Into the Unknown January 12 - Follow Me January 19 - Wherever We Go January 26 - Wrong Direction |
Reconnecting with God at Christmas
December 9 - Hearing December 15 - Believing December 22 - Worshiping December 29 - Trusting |
Hard Choices
August 11 - Eating Right August 18 - Trial By Fire August 25 - Humbled - unavailable September 1 - Daniel & the Lion's Den - unavailable |
Colossal Grace: Good News in the Book of Colossians
April 28 - Make it Worthy May 5 - Holding it Together May 12 - The Mystery of the Gospel May 19 - Alive with Christ May 26 - Old and New |
Love Thy Neighbor
March 10 - Love Thy Neighbor March 17 - Who is My Neighbor? pt 1 March 24 - Who is My Neighbor? pt 2 March 31 - Guest Pastor April 7 - Where is My Neighbor? April 14 - The Neighbor You Don't Want to Love April 21 - Easter Sunday: Looking for the Living |
After God's Own Heart:
The Making of King David February 3 - Anointed February 10 - Goliath February 17 - Cutting Corners February 24 Dancing King March 3 - In the House |
I Am My Beloved's
The Good News in the Song of Songs January 13 - Sacred Love January 20 - Love Awakened January 27 |
Serving with the Master:
Learning our Purpose from Jesus Greatness - October 14 October 21 - technical difficulty - unavailable October 28 - technical difficulty - unavailable |
Amazing Grace:
Encounters with Jesus in the Book of Luke Lord, If You Are Willing - August 19 Through the Roof - August 26 Words of Authority - September 2 Love Much - September 9 Calm - September 16 Among the Tombs - September 23 Bruised Fruit - September 30 |
Claiming the Promise
Unchartered Territory - July 8, 2018 Rahab - July 15, 2018 Dry Ground - July 22, 2018 Jericho - July 29, 2018 Set Back - August 5, 2018 Choose this Day - August 12, 2018 |
Why We Worship - May 27, 2018 Worship is Sacramental - June 3, 2018 Worship is Communal - June 10 2018 Worship is Characterized by Love-June 17 Worship is Expectant - June 24, 2018 |
Christ is Risen - Easter Sunday
Seeing Jesus Beyond Fear - April 8 Beyond Doubt - April 15 Beyond Failure - April 29 Beyond Hope - May 6 Beyond Ourselves - May 13 |
Rich in Grace
Gideon - February 18, 2018 Feast from Famine - February 25, 2018 Namaan - March 4, 2018 Donkey Tales - March 11, 2018 Lazarus - March 18, 2018 From Palms to Crosses - March 25, 2018 |
Belonging Together
Belonging Together - January 21, 2018 The Work of Belonging - January 28, 2018 Forgiveness - February 4, 2018 Belonging in Baptism - February 11, 2018 |
Light of the Stable - December 3, 2017 Rich in Every Way - December 10, 2017 - December 17, 2017 Do Not Be Afraid- December 24, 2017 Recognizing Jesus - December 31, 2017 |
Rich in Grace
The Grace of Giving - November 5, 2017 Rich in Every Way - November 12, 2017 Overflowing Thanks - November 19, 2017 |
-Life's Toughest Questions:
Finding Good News in the Book of Job What Not to Say - October 15, 2017 The Suffering of Suffering - October 22, 2017 Out of the Storm - October 29, 2017 |